StrSelection = Selection & StrListe = List & StrProduits = Products & StrTypes = Types & StrPlateFormes = Plateforms & StrActivite = Activity & StrDemo = Demo & StrFiche = Card & StrLiens = Links & StrContacts = Contacts & StrPartenaires = Partners & StrRetour = Return & StrQuitter = Quit & StrSelect = Select. & StrTrier = Class by & StrNom = Name & StrVille = City & StrCP = Zip code & StrSociete = firm & StrInstitution = institution & StrContact = Contact & StrContactCommercial = Commercial contact & StrContactCommunication = Communication contact & StrAttacheSectoriel = Marketing Analyst & StrChefPoste = Trade Comissioner & StrChefService = Executive manager & StrMotCle = Keyword search & StrMulticritere = Multicriterial search & StrPartExpos = Exhibitors & StrPavCFME = CFME ACTIM pavilion & StrPavEdu = EduFrance pavilion & StrSeminaire = Seminary & StrSalon = The expo & StrEnvoyer = Send a message & StrSelectAll = Select all & StrSelectNone = Clear selection & StrResultat = Result & StrVoirListe = Show list & StrNomSociete = Firm name & StrNomProduit = Product name & StrPavillonF = French pavilion & StrExposant = exhibitor & StrPartenaire = partner & StrInfoSelect0 = To send an email to several firms (10 maximum) : & StrInfoSelect1 = 1) check the 'Select' button of the firms & StrInfoSelect2 = 2) click the 'Selection' button on the left & StrInfoSelect3 = 3) click the 'Send a message' & StrInfoTheo = Attention: the speech version of the Theorom web site is about to be installed. After installment, reduce your screen and double-click on the Theorom icone on your desk-top. & StrInfoIM0 = CD-ROM produced by & StrInfoIM1 = Multimedia Solutions for Business and Local Governments & StrInfoIM2 = Publishing educational and vocational training CD-ROMs & StrInfoIM3 = Multimedia systems installed in vehicles &